Project Remediation Phases
Generally, the phases of a Subsoil Decontamination Project are as follows:
A) Preliminary investigation (Preliminary Assessment): It includes the collection of current data in the area and the identification of potential contaminants that may be detected in the region as well as to identify potential polluted subareas. The data collected help in choosing the investigation points of subsoil and groundwater for the next phase
B) Site Investigation: Includes soil and water sampling in different depths, chemical analyses and physico-chemical measurements to capture the actual state of the subsoil. The collected data helps the initial selection of the decontamination techniques for the particular field.
C) Investigation Field Resolution (Remedial investigation): It is a widespread environmental exploration field by sampling soil, water, materials, waste, debris found within the limits the polluted area and aims at a final mapping of existing pollution in the subsoil, as well as an estimate of the probability of spreading and evading to nearby recipients. The collected data helps in the final design of the decontamination measures
D) Design of decontamination measures and setting decontamination limits (Remediation design & clean up levels): Includes the detailed design of the remediation project and all necessary actions to ensure public health and safety, the environmental protection as well as to determine the final decontamination boundaries within a specific timeframe and in cooperation with the environmental authorities.
E) Implementation of Remedial Actions: Includes the implementation of the remediation measures as described in the detailed design phase according to the defined timetable combined with the supervision of the project.
F) Post remediation monitoring: Includes systematic and periodic monitoring of soil and groundwater status for at least 5 years after the completion of the decontamination actions.