Hazardous Waste Management

Our company provides:

Characterisation, transportation, storage.

Treatment, utilisation, final disposal in Greece and overseas

Investigation for asbestos at industrial facilities or other infrastructure buildings

Asbestos detection, removal and management

Wastewater sludge management.

Our company possesses:

License for collection and transportation of hazardous waste (infectious, explosive and radioactive waste is excluded).

License for storage of hazardous waste (infectious, explosive and radioactive waste is excluded)

License for treatment of contaminated soil

Registered at hazardous waste management body of the Ministry of the environment and climate change (License for transborder transportation at licensed facilities abroad).

License for asbestos removal, type A.

Relative Experience

INTERGEO HELLAS has recovered or disposed over 7,000 tons of hazardous waste in Greece to date.

bounding box Ιδιόκτητα φορτηγά μεταφοράς Επικινδύνων Αποβλήτων

Bounding box private trucks for hazardous waste transportation

Hazardous Waste Management | Specialisation & Experience | Intergeo

Intergeo has the utmost experience and specialisation in hazardous waste management