The area of Hellinikon is changing: Soil & Groudnwater Remediation (Article link in Greek)
Exciting news featuring INTERGEO HELLAS valuable contribution! Check out the latest article highlighting our involvement in successfully completing the decontamination of 60,000 tons of soil and 3,700 m3 of groundwater in the area of the Metropolitan Pole of Ellinikon & Agios Kosmas. Decontamination methods were applied based on special techniques, emphasizing the principles of the circular economy.
We stand proud to play a major role in this project, that serves as a model for effective management and comprehensive pollution treatment in a major urban redevelopment initiative, one of the largest urban development investments in Europe, The Ellinikon
The purification of contaminated water will continue into the first half of 2024.
We are eager to share the details with our community here. Read more: